Friday, December 23, 2011

Adoption Updates and More

It's been a rough couple of weeks and I really just haven't had a chance to blog.  But I wanted to get in an update post before Christmas, so here it is.

First and foremost, I wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who has donated toward our FSP (Daniel's iPad2 giveaway)!!!  We are just continually amazed at the generosity of all of you!!!  Thank you so much!!!  You guys are awesome!!  Don't forget to leave me a comment when you donate so that I can be sure and get you entered into the iPad 2 giveaway!  And if you have donated, please share about our fundraiser!!  Please help us get the word out there!!  Remember -- you get extra chances to win the iPad2 when you share on facebook or blog about it!  :))

Again, thank you so very much from the bottom of our hearts!!  You are helping us so much in being able to bring this sweet little girl home!!!

Isn't she precious?!  We were super excited that we got some recent pictures of our girl!!

On the adoption front, there hasn't been a lot to report.  We did receive our biometrics appt from USCIS last week, so that was super exciting!!  We are going to go before the scheduled appt, like we did last time.  The plan was to go as soon as we received the notice, but unfortunately because of the timing of Madalyn's surgery and all the time Mark took off for that, we were unable to go this week.  Not to mention Christmas and all the stuff going on with that.  But we are planning on going next week and walking in. Since we have to drive about 3 or 4 hours away to do it, we are praying all will go well.  We didn't have any problems last year, so it should be fine, but any prayers for us would be appreciated.  We are really praying this part of the process will be extra speedy.  Our homestudy took so long and we would like to make up a little time here if possible.  Not likely, but we are still hoping. Lol  Our dossier is also complete, minus our USCIS approval of course.  Well, actually it's not totally complete.  It needs to be sent to the Chinese consulate and authenticated, but it's all ready, just needs to be sent.  The plan is to send that next week as well, so that it's all ready to go to China as soon as our USCIS approval comes.  Pretty exciting stuff, really!!  I CAN"T WAIT til we are DTC (dossier to China). 


I really want to, but I am not as excited as I should be for all this.  Maybe it's just because I'm super tired after having gone through all the surgery stuff with Madalyn.  Plus her recovery has been pretty rough.  Maybe I'm a bit spoiled because our adoption process was so quick last year.  We were in Ukraine within 6 months of starting the process.  So when I think that we will still not be traveling to China until June or later probably, it makes me sad.  I just want to go get to my sweet girl as soon as possible and let her know that she is LOVED and WANTED so much!  She has brothers who are super excited to meet her and little baby sisters to love on and play with.  I just want her here.  Period.

Anyway, that is our adoption update.  Any prayers would be so very appreciated. 

Madalyn's Update:  Madalyn is doing pretty well.  She has had a rough time, though.  We spent one night in the hospital after her surgery, and then she was discharged the next evening.  However, she was discharged on fulltime oxygen which was kind of a bummer, but not too bad because we are already so used to O2.  She'd been on it at night, so we already had a concentrator and all the stuff we needed.  Today (9 days post op) we went in to get her checked, and she got the okay to be off her daytime oxygen!!  We are excited about that!  She has had some rough nights and days and just has not been feeling well.  I know her little throat is so sore and she hasn't been eating or drinking well.  She lost almost a pound since last Friday when we were at the doctor last (6 days ago).  But she looks good, and she is not dehydrated so that is positive.  We are expecting at least another week until she is fully recovered.  I think that this has been something that is ultimately good for her and will help her, but it sure has been rough getting there.  Poor sweet peanut, she has been through so much.  This was her 3rd surgery in less than 3 yrs.  She had major surgery at birth, again at 7 months, and now this.  That's alot for a two year old.  Anyway, we are praying that this is it for her. That she will be done with all this major medical stuff for a very long time!  :)

Right before surgery and still kinda happy even though it is super early in the morning.  She has no idea what is about to happen to her.

The next morning after surgery.  She is not real happy with people now.  What a look!!  Lol

Anna and Victoria have been doing great!  We are so thankful that they have been so healthy so far and have not needed any major medical stuff.  They are both just as cute and happy as ever.

I LOVE these girls!!!  Could they be any cuter?!

We are so super blessed!!!!!

Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Merry Christmas! Will keep you in my prayers as you travel next week for your appt.

And your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it", whenever you turn to the right or to the left. Isaiah 30:21

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Psalm 139:13-16

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
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