Teagan is a cutie pie! I bet he would really blossom and develop quickly if only he had a family to give him the attention he deserves!

Boy, born January 20, 2007
Because Teagan has Down syndrome, his physical development, intelligence and mental development developed slowly and was delayed compared to kids of similar age obviously, especially motion and flexibility of his limbs were slightly poorer. In recent years, with the efforts of this institute and foster parents, he can stand by holding onto objects, walk slowly. Now according to his growth foster parents offered him speech rehabilitative and limb training every day.
Teagan is shy, has a ready smile, likes to listen to music very much. When music plays all of his attention is attracted. When being glad he will swing his body following the musical rhythms. He likes to play toys very much, in particular toy cars are his favorite toys. We hope that he who is shy could become more and more active.
Jimmy is really in need of a family! If he doesn't find one soon, it is possible that he may not be able to be adopted at all! :( Please consider this sweet little guy!

Jimmy, Born March 30, 2007
From a missionary who visited with him in May 2010: " Jimmy is a delightful three year old with Down Syndrome. He is decribed as being quiet and playful. Jimmy doesn’t walk by himself yet, but he can get anywhere he needs by holding onto furniture and walls. He only says a few words, but understands so much more. Jimmy has a close relationship with his foster father. When foster dad hugs him and raises him up, he laughs happily. Jimmy also loves the outdoors. When foster mom takes him to pick up his older foster brother from school, he raises his head in his stroller, looks at the sky, and laughs heartily. He is curious about everything. "
Update in July 2011: Jimmy, now four years old, has been on the shared list for a long time … At the time his file was submitted, he didn’t even walk yet! Now he runs. When the file was prepared, he didn’t speak at all. He’s still a man of few words, but he does call those in his foster family by name … If his family doesn’t find him soon, they may move him out of his foster home to make room for another child who they feel may have a better chance at a family."
More photos available, along with full medical records
Silas is sooo cute! I love his glasses!!! Oh my goodness, he looks like quite a character! Sounds like he is doing really well, too!

Boy, born May, 2007
Silas has Down syndrome. He is very bright and has excellent verbal skills for a child with Down syndrome. He likes to sing and perform. He is doing well at kindy. He has good relationships, but is a little cheeky, lively and has a strong will.
More photos and video available, along with full social history and medical records
Caleb (China) is as precious as they come!! Oh he is adorable!

Caleb Born November 29, 2007
From a missionary who visited with him in August 2010: “ Caleb is extroverted, active and restless. He has a ready smile, enjoys playing with other children. He loves listening to music, watching cartoons. He is energetic and likes being outdoors!” More photos available, along with full social history and medical records
Luke is older and he really needs to find a family! He looks like he is really needing a mommy!

Boy, Born July 24, 2003
From a missionary who visited with him in August 2010: “ Luke is a sweet boy who came to the orphanage at the age of 4 years. He began their “Half Heaven” kindergarten program and is doing well. Luke is able to eat and ress by himself, is potty trained, and plays well with others. Luke is very fond of music. He is physically active, and medically healthy”.
More photos available, along with full social history and medical records
Henry is such a little guy. He is not quite 3 years old yet and it would be the perfect time for a family to bring him home. He is super cute too!

Henry Born November 20, 2008
From a missionary who visited with her in August 2010: “ Henry is so cute! Totally healthy and chubby, and will do great in a family.”
More photos available, along with full social history and medical records
All these little guys are just precious. Like I said above, please consider adopting an orphan with Down syndrome!
I know... it can be scary and overwhelming to think about going through the whole international process. It can also be scary to think about how your life might change by bringing a child from an orphanage home. And if you don't already have experience with DS, it might seem even more challenging. What will it be like? Will they be able to bond to your family? Will you be able to bond to them? Will they have all kinds of behaviors and issues that you can't handle? There are so many questions. And it definitely requires alot of research and reading and learning about all those issues!! For sure don't go into something without researching and learning all you can about it!!!
But I am also here to say that it is totally worth it. Our family would not be the same without our daughters. We are so glad we stepped out in faith and adopted the girls. Was it hard work? Yes!! Was it sometimes not so easy and very stressful? Yes!
But it was oh so worth it! :)
1 comment:
Oh, could Anna be any cuter?? What a darling picture! I'm so glad you shared it with everyone!
Robbie, Piper's nana
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